Here is an article that is mostly a post-ban interview with the artist Miriam Libicki. It also includes the complete text of the original “accountability statement” in which Libicki’s banning from the Vancouver Comic Art Festival (VanCAF) was announced to the public (but somehow without actually ever mentioning her by name!):
MIRIAM LIBICKI ON VANCAF, BANNINGS, AND POLITICAL PROTESTS by Zach Rabiroff, The Comics Journal, June 12, 2024

And here is another article that gives some further details, including some interesting tidbits of the backlash that forced VanCAF to back down:
VanCAF resignations and board change follow controversial ban of Miriam Libicki by Dean Simons, Comics Beat, 06/04/2024

Personally I see this as cause for at least some measure of cautious optimism. In the current climate of world-wide unhinged hatred for Israel, Libicki’s initial banning was completely predictable. What wasn’t predictable was that there would be sufficient outcry against the banning to force VanCAF to reverse their decision and publicly apologize.

And here is an hour long presentation by Miriam Libicki (“I talk about my whole career and I do a reading from my work in progress at the end”) that she did a year ago:

Libicki’s book, Jobnik! is currently sold out on Amazon:

And here is her page at the Jewish Book Council (where you’ll find more articles by her, interviews, and more information about her work):