One of the most popular chants at yesterday’s poorly attended “March on the DNC” in Chicago was:

We don’t want no two state!
We want all of fourty-eight!

The clip below is taken from video posted on Facebook by the “Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine” (


In the above clip please notice the many people wearing bright red “Not In Our Name” t-shirts either joining in the chant or failing to raise any objections to the crowd chanting for the destruction of the state of Israel.

The same video also featured these lovely images:

The “Red Triangle” is a well-known symbol used by Hamas.

A “Victory to the Palestinian Resistance” banner, by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO). The FRSO is a prominent participant in this week’s demos in Chicago. They are a Maoist organization with close ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, one of the groups that helped plan and carry out October 7.

“Dont Follow the Bourgeois Electoral Bullshit! Follow Bob Avakian!!” Bob who, you ask? Avakian is the illustrious chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, another Maoist outfit.