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Category: einat wilf

“They Don’t Want a State” (Einat Wilf)

“The reason the Palestinians don’t have a state is that they actually never pursued a state.”

What She Said: Einat Wilf’s latest interview on “Palestinianism”

“I always bring a quote by Ernst Bevin, the British foriegn minister after WWII, who in February, 1947, after having researched and spoken to the side [th landthe Arabs], he didn’t make it up, goes to the British Parliament to explain why Britain failed to fullfill the Mandate, the trust that it received unanimously from the League of Nations after the fall of the Ottoman Empire to help the Jews acheive soveriegnty in the land. It [the British] did fail the Arabs, it created trans-Jordan and Iraq, and France helped create Syria and Lebanon, but the Jews don’t have a state by that time. And he [Bevin] says that His Majesty’s government failed because they’re faced with an ireconcilable conflict. Now this is February 1947, which means there’s no settlements, there’s no occupation, there’s no blockade of Gaza, there are no Arab refugees, there’s no Nakba, and there’s no Bibi [Netanyahu]. So basically all the things that we are now told are the reasons for Palestinian violence don’t exist yet.”

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