Buddhists Against Antisemitism

Just Another Zionist Buddhist Wordpress Site

The Five Double Standards of Left Antisemitism (To understand Buddhism’s antisemitism problem you have to understand the Left’s antisemitism problem, Part Deux)

Below is a quote from: Antisemitism and the Left: Confronting an Invisible Racism Sina Arnold & Blair Taylor
Journal of Social Justice, Vol. 9, 2019

The double standard of salience translates into a political context where the left assigns vastly more attention and importance to the issue of Israel/Palestine than any other conflict in the world today. Israel is one of the few issues that unites a typically fractious left. This one conflict is so central to the U.S. left’s self-understanding that that it is often a highly visible element even in demonstrations for completely unrelated topics like climate change, police brutality, or gay rights. This ideological omnipresence suggests that the left views Israel as both a unifying factor as well as a political lynchpin upon which various other forms of oppression rest. Yet at the same time, various other occupations, civil wars, and violent conflicts receive little or no attention from the left–there are no sustained left campaigns targeting other contemporary examples such as India’s annexation of Kashmir, Turkey’s brutal suppression of the Kurds, Russia’s occupation of the Crimea or Iran publicly executing gays. This double standard is even more glaring for North American leftists who target settler colonialism in Israel while directly benefiting from its legacy at home.

The double standard of state foundation marks the foundation of Israel alone as artificial and violent, in contrast to the presumably peaceful and “organic” process of establishing other states. Because it calls for an end not only to the occupation but the very existence of Israel, antizionism has come to represent the obvious “radical” position on the left. Yet this radicalism rests on deeply liberal and ahistorical presumptions about the nature of nation-states. It assumes Israel is a uniquely violent exception rather than the more mundane rule.
ntizionism selectively ignores that every state in existence today is equally “artificial,” birthed and maintained by violence, dispossession, and exclusion.

While the violence that accompanied the foundation of Israel is not unique, the late historical moment (as well as political context) of its establishment is. This brings us to the related double standard of state formation, which sees Israel as anachronistic, a colonial and imperial regime engaged in an outmoded form of colonial expansionism. Yet once again, this feature is not unique to Israel. Borders have been continuously redrawn throughout history to create new states. Thirty-four have been founded since 1990 alone, many of which were the result of civil war or land grabs lacking any legal legitimacy, as evident in the ongoing cases of South Sudan and the Western Sahara. Various existing states are also currently engaged in violent territorial expansion and the suppression of local populations – Turkey, India, Russia, Ethiopia, and Morocco, to name a few. State foundation and expansion are frequently accompanied by forced population transfers, yet the demand for the right of return for Palestinians is almost exclusively directed at Israel. Although this has been a persistent sticking point holding up negotiations for Palestinian statehood, it is rarely a condition for other partitioned states, for example India and Pakistan. Left discourse also seldom discusses the treatment of Palestinian refugees by other states like Syria and Egypt, or mentions the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees exiled from neighboring Arab countries in the wake of 1948. None of these examples serve as justification for Israeli crimes or any other occupation; rather the lack of attention and activism around them illustrates a profound double standard operating within left political discourse, one that happens to resonates with historical patterns of antisemitic exceptionalism.

The double standard of self-understanding results in criticizing Israel as a specifically ethno-religious state. Yet this position ignores that this fact holds true for several other states today, and for most in history. One would be hard-pressed to find leftists who criticize the specifically Muslim nature of the Islamic Republic of Iran or the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Almost every nation in history was at one point linked to a state religion, and as of yet every nation enforces restrictive ethno-racial immigration policies. But it is only the Jewish state that is routinely criticized by the left for its specifically religious character and demographic manipulation. While leftists are right to reject both ethno-religious nationalism and restrictive immigration/demographic policies, they are far from consistent, criticizing some forms — U.S. and Israel, Christian and Jewish chauvinism — while ignoring or even rationalizing others — Islamic nations, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist ethno-religious nationalisms.

Lastly, the double standard of self-determination results in acknowledging this right only for Palestinians. A wide variety of movements of Palestinian self-determination are championed by the left – regardless of political content – while Zionism is denounced as synonymous with racism and violence, equally oblivious to specificities of historical form or political content. This holds true more generally for the U.S. left’s view of the Israel-Palestine conflict as a whole; although this history is long and complicated, the double standard of selfdetermination results in an extremely one-sided and simplistic account. Palestinian dispossession and repression is very real, and as the stronger force Israel has the greater power and responsibility to resolve this conflict. At the same time, the left selectively ignores various important historical facts on the other side: that Jews also have historical ties to the region and their own history of displacement; the long subsequent history of persecution, exclusion, oppression, and expulsion, culminating in the Holocaust; that as a result of these historical oppressions Zionism as a national liberation movement and state-building project started late in the game and under historical conditions not of its choosing; the armed attacks on Israel – including civilians – from its inception until the present  (Linfield 2019, Memmi 1973).

Despite this complicated history, most leftists primarily perceive Palestinian suffering, fear, and rage as legitimate. At times this translates into support for reactionary groups like Hamas or Hezbollah, despite their fundamentalist politics. By contrast, the feelings of fear, insecurity, and historical persecution among Jewish Israelis are hardly seen as legitimate. The left often portrays the rise of right-wing Palestinian political actors like Hamas as a regrettable but understandable reaction to violence, while the rise of Likud and Israel’s shift to the right are never interpreted as a bad reaction to anti-Semitism and violence against Jews. Although both groups are irredentist and predicated on their opposition to the peace process, the dominant left position is to only acknowledge this regarding Israel, refusing to admit there are those on the other side who will never accept peaceful coexistence with “the Zionist entity.” In a conflict where there has been trauma and loss of life on both sides, one does not have to equate the suffering of parties to recognize that resolution is impossible if it only considers the claims of one side.

Map produced by BDS activists of Boston showing the locations of Jewish groups in Massachusetts, including schools, community funds, and synagogues. https://www.timesofisrael.com/bds-movement-disavows-boston-project-mapping-jewish-groups/

To understand Buddhism’s antisemitism problem you have to understand the Left’s antisemitism problem

University Campuses, Black Lives Matter, the Women’s March – many political mobilizations have in the past years been associated with antisemitism in progressive movements. Based on an empirical study, This presentation will argue that on the left, antisemitism is an “invisible prejudice”: It is often not acknowledged and is sometimes expressed in coded forms. The reasons can be found both in theoretical and historical traditions as well as in current socio-political conditions.

“Antisemitism and the Contemporary American Left’ by Sina Arnold
A talk given at the Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, at Indiana University, December 21, 2021

“Attacks on Israel Ignore the Long History of Arab Conflict” by Murray Bookchin

In May of 1986, Murray Bookchin (America’s second most famous Anarchist, right after Noam Chomsky) wrote an article for the Burlington Free Press titled “Attacks on Israel Ignore the Long History of Arab Conflict.” Below is a long excerpt, and below that are links to the entire article.

The United Nations resolution of 1947, which partitioned Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, was followed by the invasion of the country by Arab armies, notably the Egyptian, Syrian, and highly trained Jordanian “Arab Legion,” with direct or indirect aid from Iraq and other Arab nations.

In some cases these armies, particularly the Arab irregulars who accompanied them, took no prisoners in their assaults on Jewish communities. Generally, they tried to systematically obliterate all Jewish settlements in their paths until they were stopped by furious and costly Jewish resistance.

The invasion and the annihilatory combat it created set a terrible pattern of fear and bitterness that is not easy to erase from the minds of Israeli Jews. That a desperate lunatic element of Jewish zealots behaved in kind before it was stopped by the newly formed Israeli military forces should not allow us to forget the Jewish men and women who were slaughtered by stalwarts of Arab nationalism even after they had raised white flags of surrender.

I have seen very little mention of this fearful pattern of “combat” which stained the Arab invasions of Palestine and so profoundly influenced Jewish confidence in the value of “truce negotiations” and the predictability of peace agreements with Arab irredentists. Indeed, the partition lines that were eventually established after the 1948 invasions were the product of bloody warfare — literally the give-and-take of battle — not of “imperialistic” or “land-grabbing Zionists,” to use the language that is so much in vogue these days.

Nor do I hear any longer of the earnest attempts by the Haganah — the Jewish citizens’ militia of the partition era — to encourage Arabs to remain in their neighborhoods and towns, of the Israeli vehicles with loudspeakers that went through the streets of Jaffa, for example, urging Arabs not to succumb to the feelings of panic engendered by battle conditions and by extremists on both sides of the conflict.

That many Arabs remained in Israel clearly challenges the myth that Israeli Jews tried to rid the country of its Moslem inhabitants. What seems to be totally ignored is the certainty that there would have been an Arab state in Palestine side-by-side with a Jewish one if Egyptian armies in the south, Syrian in the north, and Jordanian in the east had not tried to seize both U.N.- partitioned lands with imperialist interests of their own and, when this failed, used the Palestinian refugees as pawns in future negotiations with the Israelis and their western supporters.

I downloaded the pdf from the theanarchistlibrary.org website, where they felt the need to provide a trigger warning: “This text contains disturbing material consisting of Zionist tropes.” !!!!

You can also download it here:

Folllow the Money: Jewish Voices for Peace is funded by the Muslim Brotherhood

We came out with a report on SJP, the Students for Justice in Palestine, which is directly connected to, it was kind of born out of the AMP, the American Muslims for Palestine, which is a Muslim Brotherhood organization. So SJP is directly connected to AMP, which is a Muslim Brotherhood organization and follows that ideology. JVP, the Jewish Voices for Peace, we found, for the first time that I’m aware of, that the AMP, the Muslim Brotherhood, has been funding not only the SJP, but they’re funding JVP for the protests as we speak. So for the first time in our report we’ve assertained clear evidence, this was said by the AMP’s legal counsel, that they are funding SJP and JVP.

Charles Asher Small

What Is Antisemitism?

In order to prevent speeding one does not simply put up signs that say “Please Do Not Drive Too Fast”. Instead, one posts signs that clearly state how fast is too fast. These are called “speed limit” signs. This might sound obvious when we are talking about speeding, but if we talk about antisemitism?

To be against antisemitism requires more than simply agreeing that antisemitism is bad. We must define what antisemitism actually is.

The “Working Definition of Antisemitism” adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance in 2015 includes actual concrete examples of things that are antisemitic. These include:

  • Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Israel a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
  • Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.

One criticism that is sometimes made of the IHRA Working Definition is that it is too broad. Well here are some specific examples of how it should, in my opinion, be applied:

  1. Obvoiusly the claim that “Zionism is racism” falls foul of this definition of antisemitism.
  2. The claim that Israel is a “colonial settler state” completely deligitimizes the very existence of the state of Israel, and, therefore, it is antisemitic.
  3. The claim that Israel is an “apartheid state” is essentially an attempt to equate Zionism with racism, and so that claim, too, is antisemitic.
  4. Any claim that the actions of the state of Israel are comparable to the actions of Nazi Germany is antisemitic by this defintion.
  5. The claim that Israel’s military response to October 7th constitutes “genocide” is a clear example of a “double standard”, and so it, too, is antisemitic.

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